Local Love: Art Happenings

Local Love: Art Events
Local Love | November 2017
Compiled by Nicole Beckley
It’s official – the City of Austin and the POP Austin International Art Show have declared November Austin Art Month. Explore the creations of local and global talents at these events.
Pop Austin
Now in its fourth year, this annual showcase features multimedia artists from around the world. Participants include LA street artist Mr. Brainwash, Beijing creators the Gao Brothers, and visual art from Austin’s own Bob Schneider.
One-day pass: $20. At Fair Market, November 9–12.
Visit popaustin.com
Art Alliance Austin’s ARTBASH
Art Alliance Austin celebrates the start of EAST with this annual celebration. Focusing this year’s theme on ideas around immersion and mobility, seven Austin artists have created works addressing the topics. The work debuts at ARTBASH and will be on display to the public during EAST. General admission tickets: $45. Native Hostel, 807 E. 4th St., November 10.
Visit artallianceaustin.org/artbash
Hops for HOPE
During the second weekend of EAST, 20 breweries and 20 artists team up for two days of exciting visual experiences. Featuring large-scale murals and VR immersion, the event is produced by HOPE Events, the group behind the HOPE Outdoor Gallery. Now in its fourth year, expect music, food, and work from Shepard Fairey, Luis Angulo, and Mike Judge. Single-day tickets: $15. Fair Market, November 18 – 19.
Visit 2017hopsforhope.splashthat.com
The Open Road
Beginning November 25, the Blanton Museum of Art presents a photography exhibition highlighting scenes from the open road. As car culture evolved in the post-World War II era, photographers crisscrossed the U.S. capturing images of rolling landscapes and everyday living. General admission tickets: $9. Blanton Museum of Art, November 25–January 7. Photograph by Stephen Shore
Visit blantonmuseum.org
Creek Show
Downtown, after nighttime has fallen, take a stroll along Waller Creek and you’ll be met with an array of electric art. Six installations illuminate areas along the water with unique lightscapes as part of Waller Creek Conservancy’s fourth annual Creek Show. Free. Waller Creek, between 5th and 8th Streets, November 10–18. Photograph by Amy Price
Visit creekshow.com
Dancing with Death
In the 16th Century paintings, drawings and prints throughout Europe regularly featured images of the “dance of death.” Pieces in this exhibition offer various depictions of mortality, from the jovial to the macabre. General admission tickets: $9. Blanton Museum of Art, until November 26. Exhibition artwork by John Bell
Visit blantonmuseum.org
Big Medium’s EAST and Due EAST
Kicking off on November 9 with Due EAST, the East Austin Studio Tour (EAST) runs for two weekends, offering the public a chance to peek into the studios of working artists. The free tour includes over 500 artists, displaying work in galleries, temporary exhibitions, and private and public spaces. Free. Various locations. Due EAST, November 9. EAST, November 11–12, 18–19. Photograph by Andrew Reiner
Visit east.bigmedium.org
Read more from the Arts Issue | November 2017