September 18, 2024 | 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Additional Event Dates
A Prayer for Peace is a poem in movement: a site-specific aerial dance work dedicated to joining our global community and those working for peace.
As our world lives in the shadow of chaos, we offer as dancers an experience of beauty, transcendence, and compassion.
Blue Lapis Light’s latest large scale public work comes to Austin this September, 2024. Aerialists soaring off buildings, live musicians, and critically acclaimed dancers will bring Sally Jacques’ transcendent work to life.
Featuring musicians Roberto Paolo Riggio, Nagavalli, and Jason McKenzie
Performance dates: September 18–22 & 26–29.
Learn MoreTickets
$25 Seating is on a first come first serve basis within each section: $25 Ground Seating, $45 General Admission, $65 Prime Seating