
November 02, 2024 | 8:00 am


Austin Parks Foundation’s biannual It’s My Park Day (IMPD) is set for Saturday, Nov. 2, and volunteer registration is now open. The citywide event has brought Austinites together for over 20 years to enhance local parks, trails and greenbelts. Volunteers can sign up for various projects, including litter cleanup, city-approved tree mulching, invasive species management and trail maintenance.

In addition to the Austinites who are on-site at projects, many businesses in Austin have become valued IMPD giveback partners for several years. Pre-registered volunteers receive an IMPD T-shirt, which grants them access to discounts and freebies at local spots. This adds a fun perk to the day’s activities, allowing volunteers to enjoy complimentary coffee, beer and more after their volunteer shift. A complete list of giveback partners will be listed on austinparks.org/impd

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