
February 26, 2024 | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Put your arts & entertainment knowledge to the test! Teams of up to 6 can compete in a multi-round Pub Quiz style trivia night, and the top three teams will get prizes, including tickets to upcoming shows at Texas Performing Arts, along with great prizes from the Alamo Drafthouse.

We will also have bonus prizes, including tickets to other Texas Performing Arts shows.

Trivia will take place in Barrel O’Fun at the Alamo Drafthouse Mueller, 1911 Aldrich St. Suite 120, Austin, TX 78723

Trivia will start at 7pm and last for approximately 2 hours. Free to enter!

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Alamo Drafthouse Mueller

1911 Aldritch St #120 Austin, TX 78723

Alamo Drafthouse Mueller 1911 Aldritch St #120 Austin, TX 78723