SnoRide Serves Up Frozen Treats In Tarrytown
SnoRide Joins Medici Roasting and Veracruz All Natural at Littlefield’s Coffee + Tacos
A new food trailer serving frozen desserts in Tarrytown wants to become part of Austin family traditions: where parents take their kids for dessert after dinner or a surprise treat on the weekend. Called SnoRide, the food trailer sells a dessert much like a traditional snow cone, but it’s served in a container like a Chinese take-out box (named a SnoBox). The sugary, shaved ice is offered with multiple topping options and fun color-changing spoons.
“We wanted to create a simple and iconic dessert–similar to something fun you’d get on vacation and that adds to family memories,” says SnoRide co-owner Christina Biven.
SnoRide’s trailer with its vibrant logo tucks into the patio area of Littlefield’s Coffee + Tacos, next to Veracruz All Natural and Medici Roasting. The adjoining playground with its soft grass, shady trees and picnic tables was the family-friendly atmosphere Christina and David Biven were looking for as SnoRide’s first home.
Creating their own take on shaved ice was an idea influenced by the Bivens’ trips to New Orleans, where David grew up biking to shaved iced stands around the neighborhood. But getting SnoRide from initial concept to a working food trailer in Littlefield’s has been a genuine family effort. The Biven’s three older children, ranging in ages from 6 to 12, helped come up with the name and practiced making shaved ice at home, while the youngest, not even a year old, is often with Christina checking in on sales and employees.
“Learning the nuts and bolts of supply costs, marketing, schedules, hiring–my kids are getting lessons in all parts of the business and hopefully someday will be able to work at SnoRide themselves,” says Christina. At that time, the Bivens hope their children will have multiple locations to choose from all over Austin.
With families in mind, SnowRide uses only 100 percent sugar cane in its SnoBoxes and offers dye-free options.
SnoRide is open Fridays from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. until the end of October. Weekends include a happy hour of free toppings from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.