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The Sky Is Not the Limit: Lessons From a Year in Space

Captain Scott Kelly

Event Pick: TexMex Holiday Fiesta

scott kelly astronaut austin paramount theatre space

The Sky Is Not the Limit: Lessons From
a Year in Space

Astronaut Scott Kelly reflects on his historic year in space
January 31

Astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year in space—historic, record-breaking, and epic by every definition, his 340 days on the International Space Station taught us more about human nature and the future of space travel than we thought possible. Mirrored in practice by his identical twin brother Mark’s year on Earth, the pair have unprecedented knowledge of what it means to go beyond expectation and accomplish the truly remarkable. Now with a recently released debut novel under his belt (“Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery”), Kelly is headed to Austin’s Paramount Theatre, where his recollections and lessons learned are sure to captivate and inspire. Kelly’s key takeaway from his journey, which set the record for the single longest space mission by an American astronaut, is in fact quite simple: There is no limit to what you can accomplish. With an inspirational story of personal perseverance and, consequently, some universal truths to share, this is one event whose value may just be priceless.

Captain Scott Kelly

January 31

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Paramount Theatre
(512) 472 5470
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