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Kristin Armstrong Urges You To Cultivate a Daily Vacation Mindset

"There's something lost in translation in our manic hurry and frantic busy-ness."

Kristin Armstrong Reveals the Way to Unlock Life’s Unlimited Supply of Beauty

"We have to be willing to keep our hearts open, no matter what"
Colorful illustration of girl holding books

Kristin Armstrong Celebrates Her Engagement with Message of Hope

“You don’t have to be perfect to be loved — loving and being loved is what perfects us.”

Kristin Armstrong on Quieting Your Inner Critic

"Once we have a sense of separation between our Self and the Critic, then we have some room to shift."

Find Your Purpose through the Lens of Service with Kristin Armstrong

“The thing you are meant to be/do has everything to do with what you love to do, what you have always loved to do.”
illustration hand catching feather

Kristin Armstrong Embraces the Art of Letting Go as a Parent

“I have to trust her to find her wings, even if in doing so she flies far from home. And as she finds her wings, I remember to spread my own."

Kristin Armstrong Finds Love by Getting Out of Her Own Way

Kristin Armstrong Forges Teamwork with Her Partner in Mille Miglia Race

The columnist participated in the historic Italian car race as navigatore before coming home with lessons learned and gratitude felt

Move Beyond Your Comfort Zone with Kristin Armstrong

The columnist reclaims her summer and experiences a new level of trust as she goes underwater as a scuba diver

Kristin Armstrong on Loss of Friendship and How to Heal

“It takes open hands to let go, and open hands to welcome something new.”