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How Trevor Scott Gives Back to the Austin Community with Passion and Purpose

Local television host shares his experience building connections and serving the community’s nonprofit organizations

(photo by Tri D Photography)

We sat down on the patio of the charming Brentwood Social House on a Friday afternoon to chat with Trevor Scott, the delightfully friendly co-host of the local lifestyle television show, “We Are Austin.” Each morning, viewers can feel his positive energy radiate from the CBS Austin studio straight into their homes. Scott is vocal about his passion for community service both on camera and on his social media platforms, supporting a wide variety of local nonprofit organizations. With such a busy work life, we wanted to learn how Scott maintains his dedication to giving back — and gather advice on how to find accessible service projects for a variety of interests. 

We asked the most difficult question first — “How do we find time to volunteer?” In today’s hustle culture of constantly being on-the-go while juggling work and family, it can be difficult to “make” time. 

Giving Back with Trevor Scott Austin Texas | TRIBEZA
Trevor Scott, co-host of the local lifestyle television show, “We Are Austin” (photo by Ryan Sullivan)

“At the end of the day, if the thing that you want to give your time back to isn’t something that genuinely fills you up, it will only empty you more,” explained Scott. “So, you really want to go into something with a passion for it.”

Scott also believes that volunteering offers the chance to tap into a new community with a broad mix of perspectives. 

“It’s putting you in circles with people who are like-minded and passionate.” said Scott, “You’re doing something very good for the community, but you’re also making connections in town with people you’re seeing in other rooms of generosity all year long.”

As for finding the right organization, he noted that starting with something small and convenient might be the right move.

“I think you start with what’s important to you,” said Scott. “Look for that because it’s probably right in your community. I like the idea of trying to be hyper-local, especially with giving back, so maybe it’s not a gigantic organization, but it’s your neighborhood’s park.”

The satisfaction of giving comes with great rewards. “You’re doing something very productive, and we can all thrive from that. You’re doing it to give back, but you’re clearly getting back, too.”

Where Trevor Gives Back

Giving Back with Trevor Scott Austin Texas | TRIBEZA
Trevor Scott at Austin Humane Society (photo by Austin Humane Society)

Austin Humane Society

Since 1952, Austin Humane Society HS has transformed the lives of animals through life-saving programs that find animals homes, serve animals and people in times of crisis, and prevent future homelessness through spay and neuter. It is also the longest standing no-kill shelter in Austin.

Trevor shares: “Animals are very important to me. My precious dog, Dot, is from Austin Humane Society. The Humane Society has a very small staff. They do their absolute best, but they need people to do things like grab a leash on your lunch hour and walk some dogs, while you get out in the sunshine. It’s a win-win. You’re giving the pups a break from the shelter, and you’re getting some exercise.” 

Giving Back with Trevor Scott Austin Texas | TRIBEZA
Ashley Southerland, Trevor Scott, and Taylor Ellison volunteering at a Mobile Loaves and Fishes Food Truck

Mobile Loaves and Fishes

This organization has served Austin’s homeless neighbors since 1998. Their fleet of trucks venture out daily to provide food, clothing, and other life-sustaining items. Additionally, Mobile Loaves and Fishes developed the transformative residential program, Community First! Village, a 51-acre master planned neighborhood that provides affordable, permanent housing for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness. MLF also created the Community Works program to provide opportunities to earn a dignified income, while developing new skills.

Trevor shares: “Mobile Loaves and Fishes is an organization with whom I have been deeply involved. This was my springboard, my stepping stone into service in Austin. I have done hundreds of food runs where you load up the truck with food, and you go out and you feed people. I’ve also helped build some of their facilities at Community First.” 

“Mobile Loaves and Fishes is doing the work in a few different ways. In a very practical, immediate way, through their food trucks, they’re literally feeding people who are hungry. On the other end with Community First, they are working on the systemic issues that lead to homelessness, and they are housing people. They are giving people purpose and pride and integrity. Anybody can go to to learn how to volunteer. 

Giving Back with Trevor Scott Austin Texas | TRIBEZA
Out Youth Gala (photo by Tru Love Studios)

Out Youth

Founded in 1990, Out Youth serves Central Texas LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies with programs and services to ensure these promising young people develop into happy, healthy, successful adults. They host a variety of programs and services for youth and provide training and resources for parents, teachers, and community members.

Trevor shares: “As a queer person in Austin, Out Youth is something that’s very, very important to me because it really meets these kids where they are. It’s super important that kids, particularly of a certain age, are being met with open arms and resources. Out Youth’s staff is very small, so this is the type of organization you can just write a check to and know that they can put that money towards their programming that provides suicide prevention and counseling that’s very, very important.” 

Giving Back with Trevor Scott Austin Texas | TRIBEZA
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Central Texas (photo by Tri D Photography)

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Central Texas

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas matches children ages 6 and older with caring adults who serve as mentors and advocates. They serve approximately 800 children in Travis, Williamson, and Hays County each year. Volunteer mentors commit to working with a child for a full year or more, meeting three or four times each month to help them build skills for lifelong success.

Trevor has been a Big Brother for the past year, and shares: “First, I should note that it is a huge commitment, so in terms of being an easy, approachable, accessible volunteering experience, it’s more like a life decision versus just picking up a small job on the weekend and helping out here and there. But, the need is so great, and the impact is so great, so it’s very important to these families. There are still so many boys that are on the waitlist and just not enough men in Austin to handle them all.  Big Brothers, Big Sisters wants you to be present with your Little. The two of you decide what activities are going to be worth your time. It’s really all about hanging out and giving them someone to rely on.” 

Follow along with Trevor Scott’s adventures around Austin by tuning into “We Are Austin” weekdays at 9 a.m. on CBS Austin.