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Creating a Bigger Life: Advice on Life and Love From Kristin Armstrong

Read the latest Q&A with Kristin -- helping people through life transitions, relationships, parenting, and purpose

Kristin Armstrong, Dear Kristin TRIBEZA Column

How can someone create a “bigger” life? Instead of dreaming and wishing and watching — I want to start doing, but after a lifetime of putting other people first-and doing what others wanted (or thinking that’s what they wanted), I’m not sure how to even figure out what I want or how to get it. I don’t want to make radical changes — just have more experiences and make my life more interesting and yes, “bigger.” 

Illustration - watercolor, woman's face for Kristin Atmstrong's May/June story about Creating a "Bigger Life"
Kristin Armstrong shares advice on creating a “bigger” life

Kristin Armstrong Shares:

The spot you are in is perfectly poised for transformation because that feeling you feel stirring inside you is desire. After many years of pleasing or caretaking others, it can be an interesting shift to consider what would be pleasing to you, or what it would look like to take good care of you. Congratulations to you for getting all the way to right here.

The thing about desire is that it has to be met with belief — belief that things are possible for you. 

My first recommendation for you is to begin a daily meditation practice, 10 or 15 minutes of quieting your mind. This practice will help you establish a more regular state of alignment, increasing your belief, which is the fuel for your desire.

If we were working together in my office, I would ask you, “How do you want to feel? How do you want to feel in your body, in your relationships, in your career, in your creative pursuits?” 

Make a list of how you want to feel. Creative. Inspired. Adventurous. Free. Authentic. In flow. Relaxed. Passionate. Purposeful. Strong. Balanced. Curious. Abundant. Connected. Beautiful. Confident. Capable. Generous. You will know the words that most resonate with you because you will feel a lightness, an opening in your chest when you come upon the right ones. 

Once you have your list, it can be really fun and extremely powerful to hunt down some images that represent these feelings, then put them together to create a vision board. 

Have your vision board ready when you finish your daily meditation session. As you return to your regular breathing and gently flutter your eyes open, keep that hazy focus and allow yourself to take in your vision. As you breathe and gaze at your board, begin to really conjure the feelings that come to mind with your images. Allow your imagination to create the emotional experience for you. Let the feelings amplify. You will literally feel your frequency rising as you imagine aspects of your life exactly as you wish them to be. This lifts your energy into a receptive state.  Most people think you must see something to believe it, when really it is the other way around — you must believe something in order to see it. 

Believe it to see it. Feel it first.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You were designed to create. Creations are born of desire. I am so excited for you on this next phase of your journey.  

With so much love, 


Do you have a question for Kristin?

Kristin Armstrong has been sharing personal insights with readers of TRIBEZA magazine for 20 years. Her writings have included captivating stories of love, well-being, motherhood, relationships, self-worth, finding courage and building confidence. Kristin’s stories have sparked inspiration for so many readers. This year, Kristin is opening up a dialogue with all of you! Ask your questions here.